Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Neat-O Day

So I have been following the Inauguration Events pretty much all day, so I thought I would share a few thoughts about it.

First, no matter what political/religious/social/whatever other dumb label you want put on it, views that you hold, you have to admit that this day is nothing short of an incredible day in American History. Given other cultures in the world, it as an accomplishment in and of itself anytime that there is a peaceful transfer of power. This is the 44th time American has achieved that goal! To see someone other than a white male rise to lead the greatest nation on earth is an even greater accomplishment considering the context of racism and segregation of the nation. Alas, this is beating a dead horse as everyone already knows this, so I will not continue.

SIDE NOTE- As I am writing this, I am also watching the Inaugural Parade and there is a tumbling team marching and doing flips and what not. I just witnessed one of them break an ankle! It took the camera crew a minute to realize he was injured and cut away. HAHAHA (Had to throw that side note in because it made me laugh).

OK, back to the important stuff. I would also like to mention briefly the overall excitement that is evident on this day. It has been quite sometime since I have seen excitement like this from such a huge group of Americans! From the time the broadcast of the events has started, it has been nothing but shouts and cheers of excitement and a new found hope. (Whether it is a legitimate hope or a false hope remains to be seen). I think that President Obama's speach also seemed to be full of excitement. I don't know about you, but it seemed to give Americans a reason to be excited to be an American again. Something that, perhaps, has not been so evident in quite some time. Again, whether or not this excitement comes to fruition or not will only be known down the LONG road. I have my opinions about it and you have yours, and thats just peachy. Regardless, I think he gave us something to be excited about for now, and we should be grateful for that!

Anyway, I think I could go on for quite a while about things like the ridiculous job by the media of covering todays events (although I just discovered C-Span, and they are not talking over the events!!) or other things, but I will spare you!

God Bless you, Barack Obama! (Not a political statement... just well wishes... or is it??)

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