Friday, June 19, 2015

An Open Apology

An Open Apology (because I don't know what else to do):

I was one of them.

I wore the confederate flag. 

The stars and bars.

It was heritage, not hate, we said. 

I argued for the right to display it. I used the argument that slavery wasn't the main thing they fought for. 

I wasn't trying to offend, but I certainly didn't care if it did.

Late in my teenage years, I began to see that it was crap. I have been redeemed by Christ. Part of that redemption has been Christ showing me the beauty of all of his children, and that that is what we all are: Children of God. 

I am redeemed, but the events in Charleston have stirred something deep inside me. As I've wrestled in my mind, it's become clear to me that it is because I have never taken responsibility for my wrongdoings and apologized. 

So, I'm sorry. Sorry I bought into the lie. Sorry I bought into the prejudices. Sorry for an attitude of white privilege. Sorry for not taking the time to get to know anyone who had a different skin color than me. Sorry for not seeing the value of all people. Sorry for making excuses for my prejudices. 

From the bottom of my heart, I am truly sorry.