Monday, April 13, 2009

When peace like a river...

So I am sitting here at work (yay 3rd shift) and I thought maybe I should blog since I have not since Valentines Day. Word to the wise: If it is Valentines Day and you wish to blog, blog about your significant other and not about sports. It is not a good idea! HAHA. So anyway, I thought about what I should blog about tonight, and the only thing I could think of was peace. Not peace in terms of world peace; that "fictitious" peace that we all say we would wish for if we were granted three wishes. I mean peace of mind, the peace that really only God can give. For some reason, as I was thinking about what to write about, I realized that I feel almost completely at peace about where I am in my life.

You know that phrase "a peace that passes all understanding?" I kinda get that right now. As I realized that I am at peace, I also realized that I have no idea why I am at peace. I don't have everything all figured out in my life, shoot, I am FAR away from that. I don't particularly care for my job, I have no idea where my life is headed, my finances are "iffy" at best. When I step back and look at it, it seems as though nothing about my life should be at peace.

But for some reason, I do have a peaceful feeling. There are some things that I can see why I am at peace. I have the most beautiful person, indside and out, that I am going to spend the rest of my life with. That is definitely something to be at peace about, because God knows that trying to find that person can be so far from peaceful! I also know that God is gonna work things out, and if anything is going to give me peace, it is that knowledge!

As I am thinking about this, it is kind of hitting me that this is how the God-human relationship is. It is a constant realization that, from an outside perspective, our lives should be screwed up. They should be a mess, with no direction and no purpose. With all the shortcomings of humans and all of the things that we are clueless about, being righteous - right with God - should seem quite impossible. But God, the same God that can give peace that passes understanding, can make humanity right, no matter how jacked up it looks from an outside perspective. He can make it holy. It is a consecration that passes all understanding. And does it ever pass all understanding! Go ahead, try to understand it. I bet your head will start to hurt!

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened (not those who have it all together) and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28, emphasis and note mine.

That seems to sum up the incredible story of a loving God.

Peace be with you...